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Tag: video

Asteroids3D navigates its way onto iTunes

Experience a gaming classic reimagined as you fight to survive an onslaught of destructive space rocks in Asteroids3D. The first game by Bunbury-based indie developer Shaun Procter, this endless arcade shooter draws inspiration from the asteroid fields of The Empire Strikes Back and breathes new life into the iconic Asteroids game of…

Enjoy new Augmented Reality game, Fidget Spinner: Journey of the Secrets

Delve into the secrets of the fidget spinner craze, with eZones’ new augmented reality game for iOS and Android that asks “…Could spinners actually be ancient?” Using your phone’s camera Fidget Spinner: Journey of the Secrets combines the real world with fantastically designed 3D spinners, plus there’s a virtual reality…

Symphony of the Machine set for Playstation VR & HTC Vive

Having playtested Symphony of the Machine locally for a while now, Stirfire Studio have recently announced that their new game will be hitting the Playstation VR and the HTC Vive in Q1 2017! An ancient machine controls the weather and its mysterious creators have long since disappeared. You must perform the ritual and come to…

A blast from the past with Star Fighter: D’Yammen’s Reign

Did you know that people have been making games in Western Australia since the early days of the industry? Star Fighter: D’Yammen’s Reign by GeoSync Media is one such locally-made game, first released around 1998 on the Amiga CD. Since not everyone has the opportunity to break out an almost 20…

Videos and photos from our presentation, panel discussion, and networking event with ScreenWest

Our longest ever post title (unverified) is probably also our most descriptive! Following are all videos (five in a playlist) of the presentation and panel discussion (held at the Alexander Library) we ran with ScreenWest: The first video is a brief presentation we gave on games. The basic premise was…