Head down to The Page on the first Saturday of the month for casual meet up with a focus on writing and narrative design. Whether you bring along your work-in-progress, or just an open mind ready for a chat, this is an excellent event for any writer, game developer, or individual interested in the narrative experience.
What: The Page – August Meetup
When: Saturday, 3 August. 10am – 12pm.
Where: Rhubarb Records – Vinyl Cafe
RSVP: via Facebook event
So what’s there plan for this event? Here’s a quick sneak peek, but be sure to head on over to The Page facebook event for the full rundown!
After last month’s stellar success, August’s meetup – Let’s Write! – is a follow-up on creating a practical environment for folks to work on their story projects, as well as a friendly meetup to discuss the latest in games and writing. The same as last month, the plan is to catch-up for the first half hour, then break off for an hour-long writing sprint, and finally wrap up in the final half hour with some discussion (or keep writing if you’re in a groove!).
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