The Perth GameJam sprint is almost at an end (Monday 18th, not long now!), and Lets Make Games will be showcasing entries at this month’s mixer event – come along to talk about your game, see what the other teams made or just have a social drink with members of Perth’s game industry.
- Title: Show Us Your Bits
- Time/Date: 7:00pm – 10:00pm, Tuesday, May 26
- Location: The Wineroom @ The Brass Monkey, 209 William St, Northbridge
- RSVP: Comment on this post or use the Facebook event page.
And the flier! (Click on the flier for a printable version.)

There will be a projector showcasing some of the GameJam projects – if you would like your team’s project in the showcase, please be sure to notify us in your RSVP so that we can make sure to include your entry in the schedule.
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