OMG LMG BBQ was our first event of 2011. The turn-out was fantastic and a good time was had by all. It was particularly great to see so many people come from far and wide (throughout Perth and regional WA!) to attend.
Those on you on the PIGMI mailing list – or on the forums, or following us on twitter, or part of our facebook group, or subscribed to our YouTube Channel, or regular visitors to our videos page – would have already seen the outstanding event video put together by our very own Ben Hammersley.
However, I just realised that amongst all the hussle-and-bussle of our panel discussion for ScreenWest and events promotion for Think Tank 3 and (the fast-approaching) X|Media|Lab, we hadn’t yet featured this video on our front page!
So here it is in all its glory:
Every video Ben and Rich produce brings me closer to nostalgic and heartfelt tears. As an organisation and a local community, we are very fortunate to have dedicated film makers who offer their time and effort to record our precious memories. Thanks guys! You add richness and vibrancy to our record of community history!
Note: We also have video and photos from our last event with ScreenWest. Watch for those in the next few days. 🙂
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