In case you’ve somehow managed to miss the news, the annual Let’s Make Games Showcase of Western Australian games is on today from 1:30pm at CIT’s eCentral (East Perth) campus. It’s a free public event that will dazzle and amaze you, your friends, your family, and possibly even your pets actually, please don’t bring pets). For more details, see our last post.
The organising team have put a huge amount of effort into this event and the response has been fantastic. Over the last week or so, we’ve received a lot of emails and messages from new (and old) local developers. Unfortunately, we haven’t been able to report on all news (including Handwritten Games‘ Halfling Heist pre-launch party and Headsoft‘s release of Windoze Solitaire) or update our links directory.
So for those of you waiting for your links or news to appear, please bear with us. We’ll be getting onto site updates after the showcase (although probably not actually “tomorrow”!). Hey, and if you’d like to help out as part of the team, be sure to apply for our Web Writer position. We will love you forever for it.
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