Just a quick post to let everyone know about some upcoming events.
Obviously, we can’t post about upcoming events without reminding everyone about What’s Up Pitches?!, the second official Let’s Make Games event for 2011 (original announcement here and more information here).
What’s Up Pitches?! will be running next Friday (27 May 2011) at Central Institute of Technology. We’ve had a fantastic response thus far and our speaker line-up is almost full, so get in quick if you want to pitch something!
Aside from our own events, we’ve also been contacted regarding other events that may be of interest to local game developers.
Adam Rogers from Swanson Reed sent through the following information on an R&D Workshop that he is running next Thursday:
FREE R&D TAX CREDIT WORKSHOP Invitation: R&D Tax Credit Technical Workshop
Presented by: Swanson Reed – Specialist R&D Tax AdvisorsDate: Thursday, 26th May 2011
Time: 5:00pm – 5:45pm – Workshop
Time: 5:45pm – 6:30pm – Drinks
Venue: Bentley Technology Park Innovation Centre, 9 De Laeter Way, Bentley
RSVP to:Adam Rogers 0411178484 or email Adam Rogers
The Workshop will:
• critically assess the treasury’s new proposed definition of R&D
• examine the definition that the courts will likely take for game developers
• illustrate its potential benefits and failings in the software industryThe scope of projects that are eligible for R&D tax concession may be considerably wider than you are aware. Accessing these concessions is often considered too complicated by small to medium enterprises to be worth their while however, the benefits are real and quite simply amount to money in the bank.
It is still not too late to access the R&D concessions for the year ended 30 June 2010. Even if you have already lodged your 2010 return, as long as you have registered with AusIndustry before 30 April 2011, you could still be eligible for a rebate or refund of tax.
Martin Masek put the word out on the PIGMI mailing list about the 2011 ECU Games Festival, which should be a great opportunity for companies to meet potential future employees, and for prospective students to see what the Edith Cowan University game courses have to offer:
Hi everyone!
We would like to invite you to the 2011 ECU Games Festival, where students will be demonstrating their work in game development units.
The event will take place on Wednesday 1st June 2011, 2:30 to 4:30PM in the Games & Simulation lab, Building 13, Room 225, Mount Lawley, ECU.
Look forward to seeing you there!
Know about any other events that may be of interest to local game developers? Please contact us and let us know!
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