What’s Up Pitches?! was two weeks ago, damn time flies! It was a very successful event and we hope all those who attended enjoyed themselves as we did, even after the event as pictured above! We would like to take this opportunity to thank our great sponsors once again for helping us run a better event. They are:
“We create virtual worlds using gaming technology. This enables companies to visualise their data, create interactive and engaging training systems and add a whole new dimension to managing their operations remotely.”
Qantm College – “Qantm College has been at the forefront of digital media education in Australia training students for employment in one of the fastest growing sectors in the country”
and Spacecubed – “Spacecubed facilitates a community of changemakers in a 550sqm co-working, collaboration and innovation space located at Ground Floor rear, 45 St Georges Terrace, Perth. Spacecubed provides central access to hot desks, team working space, events, seminar and meeting space”.
And the Winners are *drumroll*:
Our two winners of a 1-month subscription to Spacecubed each are:
- Brock Atkinson for his Pitch on “Productivity and Managing Procrastination”.
- The Team from Meteorite Games pitching their game currently in development entitled “Eternal Tournament”.
Congratulations to both winners on their successful pitch. To those that did not win but are still really keen to try out Spacecubed, they have an open house day every Wednesday from 12pm-2pm and we’ve also been told that if you sign up to a community membership prior to our launch on the 20th you can have unlimited access to the space for the month of June! That’s this month right now so head over to their web page and shoot them an email and I’m sure the friendly people over there will be more than happy to guide you through all the necessary details.
Last But Not Least:
We managed to record a portion of the pitches which we will make available this week so stay tuned for more info!
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