As kids, we thought adulthood was all about doing what you want. Parents telling you to eat your vegetables? Oh yeah, well when I grow up I’m going to eat ice-cream for dinner and cake for breakfast. Ha! Yet alas, as adults we often find ourselves rushing around from responsibility to responsibility. So now, more than ever, it is important that we not forget the little pleasures in life.
Lucky for us Cakie, the debut game by local developer Zlop, is all about seizing the moment and living the dream that little-you had… by eating as much cake as humanly possible.
Rokjaw jr. is craving cake and he cannot wait for dinner, no longer. While behind Granny Rokjaw’s back, Rokjaw plans to get his fill of the Cake. Get as much cake into Rokjaw jr before Granny Rokjaw turns around and brings in the punishment.
Cakie is available right now for free on Android, iOS and Windows Phone. So if you’re craving a quick sugar rush, why not give your dear old Granny Lockjaw a visit over on the official website.
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