Let’s Make Games Inc. is very happy to announce the appointment of our first General Manager: Anthony Sweet.
As a game designer, writer, and musician – Anthony knows what’s up.
Anthony has been part of the Let’s Make Games family for over three years, acting in the roles of Treasurer, Bookkeeper, and Event Organiser. Informally, he’s also helped with writing for the website, event operations, posting to mailing lists and social networks, moderating panels, and just generally doing whatever is required to keep engaging and growing our local game developer community.
The appointment of a General Manager marks a notable shift in the structure and management of our organisation.
Over the last few years, we have relied on a dedicated volunteer committee to organise and run events, manage our online presence, and advocate for the interests of the Western Australian game development community. Under this model, we’ve run 21 awesome events, produced 32 beautiful videos, and connected with organisations such as: CIT, ECU, Screenwest, XMediaLab, City of Perth, GDAA, QANTM, IGDAM, and spacecubed. It’s been a hugely successful and fulfilling adventure for everyone involved.
With the rising profile of the game development community in Western Australia, we’ve spent much of the last year considering and planning how we can best support the increasing demand for services, events, and representation in this area.
Anthony on “The Creator vs. the creative” at this year’s pitching event.
A key aspect of our forward planning has been establishment of a clear division between organisational governance and operations. With years of accumulated local experience, the committee is an invaluable resource for discussing objectives and assessing proposals, but it no longer needs to take an active role in our day-to-day activities. Working towards this goal, all of our events this year have been formally proposed, approved, and then run by appointed (and greatly appreciated!) Event Organisers who then report back to the committee. This has worked incredibly well for events (with this year’s being the biggest yet!), and we are extending this model to all of our operations.
As General Manager, Anthony is now the new public face of Let’s Make Games Inc. and the primary contact person for: partners, sponsors, volunteers, and members. He will be leading our growing volunteer team, and pushing forward with a number of new initiatives for 2013.
The committee would like to express our deep thanks to Anthony for taking on this role, and wish him the best of luck for the challenges that lie ahead!
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