Let’s Make Games is proud to announce our next event:
- Title: Short Talks by Perth Game Developers
- Time/Date: 5:00pm – 8:00pm, September 10, 2010
- Location: Room B202 (the theatrette), eCentral TAFE, 140 Royal Street, East Perth
- Description: Let’s Make Games has invited four local game developers (Matt Comi, Saxon Druce, Aranda Morrison, and Paul Turbett) to share their first-hand experiences developing and releasing games for various platforms (iPhone, Flash, Xbox360, Playstation 3, and PSP).
We’re very excited to have such a great line-up of speakers talking about recently released games on multiple commercial platforms. Perth game development has sure come a long way in the last few years!
Here are some links to our speakers’ games:
- Square Off! by Gnomic Studios
- Star Hammer Tactics by Black Lab Games
- Class 3 Outbreak by Binary Space
- The Incident by Big Bucket Software
Here’s the event flyer (click image for a print-ready version):
Hope to see you there!
Update: If you are on Facebook, check out the Facebook page for this event.
Update: Location updated with Room number (B202, the theatrette). We’ll be putting up signs and guiding people to the right place, but it’s nice to know the room number just in case!
[…] ago, Nick Lowe from Let’s Make Games asked me to present a talk on Flash game publishing, at an event they were organising with talks from a few local game […]
[…] I wasn’t even going to bother with box2d and was losing momentum fast until I went to the Short Talks gig and heard Matt Comi discuss his use of it on the game The Incident. That kind of inspired me to […]